The Lifeguard Web

This is the place to find out about Lifeguard units in the United Sates and to learn more about professional lifeguarding. We want you to be able to find what you need to know about different lifeguard crews, competitions, lifeguard standards and how to get a lifeguard position.

Lifeguarding Units

Professional Organizations


Learn More About Lifeguarding

Lifeguards are a tremendously effective way to protect our nation's beaches, along many different kinds of coasts and, and pools. Corps of dedicated, highly trained and well conditioned folks that keep millions of people safe, from summer to summer or further south and indoors, all year long.

The skills you need to be a lifeguard are many and varied. It is not just sitting on the bench looking tanned, fit and wearing some designer sunglasses. This is what most people see of lifeguards because this is where they bring all their training to bear. Actually watching the water and keeping an eye of many different factors. The public does not see the endless training, the classes, the studying nor do hear the constant discussion that takes place – in the classroom, during a morning briefing and on the bench among members of a cohesive unit that is constantly updating what is seen, expected, necessary and potentially hazardous.

If you are part of a Lifeguard unit, we want to provide information about your unit within our site. Hopefully we can keep some continuity from year to year, provide a place to reminisce about your past experiences and share in that special camaraderie that arises from being part of a tight team.

If you are an aspiring lifeguard, we also welcome you. Here you will find out what you need to learn what you need to become a person that can be ready to notice and respond to an emergency in a way that can stop someone from drowning or prevent potential injury.